Microwave Field test Equipment (FTE)

Microwave Field test Equipment (FTE)

The Microwave Field Test Equipment (FTE) is a mobile transmitting apparatus used in the field (outdoor) for the validation of receiving apparatus mounted on the installation platform. The FTE is able to generate an e.m. between [2÷18]GHz with an ERP between [+55÷+65]dBm simulating a typical radar transmission so that it can be received by the…

Microwave Field test Equipment (FTE)

The Microwave Field Test Equipment (FTE) is a mobile transmitting apparatus used in the field (outdoor) for the validation of receiving apparatus mounted on the installation platform.

Normally powered at 230V 50Hz is equipped with batteries capable of guaranteeing its operation on the field for 3h, a dedicated software supports the operator in defining the parameters of the radar transmitter during the management of the emission.

It is structurally composed of the following units: function generator, synthesized RF generator with internal variable attenuator, SSA type power amplifier, transmitting antenna, DC / DC converter for system power supply, batteries and charging circuit and mechanics support including antenna support and wheels for handling the system.

Programming of the following RADAR waveforms: CW, Pulsed (Pulsewidth Fixed / Variable, AM), PRT Fixed / Variable, Stagger With between [2÷18]GHz, ERP between [+55 ÷ +65]dBm settable in 1dB step having a beam with widths at -3db on both planes (azimuth and elevation) equal to 20° (2GHz) and 3° (18GHz).

Assembled in a field transport container, it has an adjustable arm with ±90deg in azimuth and -10 ÷ +60deg in elevation for fixing the antenna whose pointing is based on an optical collimator.

Key Specifications:

  • Field mobile transmitter equipment in [2÷18]GHz range
  • 230V 50Hz primary power supply with 3h batteries capability for field operation
  • RADAR waveforms: CW, Pulsed (Pulsewidth Fixed / Variable, AM), PRT Fixed / Variable, Stagger With
  • Settable ERP [+55 ÷ +65]dBm in 1dB step having a beam widths at -3db to 20° (2GHz) and 3° (18GHz) (azimuth and elevation)
  • Adjustable antenna pointing, ±90deg azimuth -10 ÷ +60deg elevation, by optical collimator
  • Temperature: [-5 ÷ +35] operating and [-10 ÷ +50] storage
  • Humidity: 80% operating and 90% storage
  • Easy handling for transport and use on the field, equipped with wheels and handles
  • Dimensions (h x l x d) 1618x573x785 (mm)
  • Weight 70 kg
  • CE marking compliance

Microwave Field test Equipment (FTE)

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