The system is a calibration and distribution network of RF signals to/from the satellite and the measurement system operating in the L-band. NSGU is equipped with a set of phase-stable coaxial cables to allow easy interconnection with the DUT.



The system is a calibration and distribution network of RF signals from/to the satellite and the measurement system that operates in the L band, it is equipped with a set of phase-stable coaxial cables to allow easy interconnection with the DUT.

The input lines are equipped with a wide-band RF Tapper (40GHz) for feedback of the signals in transit and a programmable delay line.

Furthermore, the system is equipped with a white noise generator and a programmable attenuator to vary the level of noise to be introduced. The device is managed via LAN.

Mechanical description:

The mechanical structure consists of a 19’’ 10U aluminum drawer in which all the RF components, the power supply and the control board are housed.

The cooling system consists of 2 fans suitable for extracting hot air.

Key Specifications 

  • Frequency Range 1.0 ÷ 2.0 GHz
  • Input / Output Impedence 50 Ohm
  • Input / Output Return Loss 20 dB min.
  • Phase Balance 1 Degree

RF Tapper

  • Frequency Range 1.0 ÷ 40 GHz
  • Input / Output Impedance 50 Ohm
  • Input / Output Return Loss 16 dB min.


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